No longer can we afford to waste energy.
No longer can we afford to waste energy.

Orcan Energy

We upcycle heat to clean electricity.

Our simple and flexible products convert unused energy from engines and industrial facilities into clean electricity that you can use right away. Without any extra investment or extra work. Now.

Save costs

As resources become ever scarcer, energy is becoming an increasingly valuable commodity. Harness your unused energy now and convert it into clean electricity. You will also benefit from lower energy costs and can make a valuable contribution to protecting the environment.

Reduce CO2 emissions

We have a duty to our children and grandchildren to protect our planet and find alternative ways to cover our immense energy needs. But instead, we are still wasting our resources. In industry, for example, up to 50 percent of input energy is lost as waste heat. Orcan Energy provides simple and flexible second-generation ORC solutions that turn this waste heat into valuable electricity.

Increase efficiency

We improve what is already there. Our simple products recycle energy that previously went to waste, without affecting the combustion engine. From industry and shipping to construction and transport, Orcan Energy offers the perfect combination of economy and ecology.


| Press reports

Munich and Ulm, 22.10.2024 – SCHWENK, a major German cement manufacturer, has long been focusing on making optimum use of the waste heat generated during the production of cement at its site in Allmendingen, Germany.

| Press reports

Munich, 30.07.2024 – Orcan Energy announced today the appointment of Patrick Prügger as the company’s new Chief Financial Officer (CFO).

| Press reports

Munich and Geseke, 27.05.2024 – The Dyckerhoff plant in Geseke has taken another important step in terms of energy efficiency: After a six-month construction period, the trial operation of the ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) system was successfully initiated following its winter repairs.

| Press reports

Munich, Germany, and Beux, France, 16.05.2024 – Today, the French biogas company MP Biogaz celebrates the commissioning of Orcan Energy’s heat-to-power solution.

| Press reports

Munich, Germany, and Hartl near Kaindorf, Austria, 05.03.2024 – Frutura, producer and largest marketer of fruit and vegetables in Austria, recently commissioned an energy module from Orcan Energy.

| Press reports

Munich, Germany, and Monterrey, Mexico, 15.02.2024 – Cemex and Orcan Energy announced today a large-scale partnership to decarbonize cement production through waste heat recovery.

| Press reports

Munich and Kiel, Germany, 07.02.2024 – Orcan Energy significantly expands its production capacities to meet growing global demand.

| Press reports

Orcan Energy publishes its first-ever ESG Report. The two new Article 9 Funds backing Orcan Energy in 2022 have already been a testament to the sustainability of the company. With the ESG Report for 2022, Orcan Energy now proactively showcases its positive impact.

| Press reports

Munich, Germany, and Athens, Greece, 26.09.2023 – TITAN and Orcan Energy started a partnership to exploit the benefits and explore the scale-up potential of new modular technology pioneered by Orcan Energy which holds the potential to convert large waste heat volumes into clean and affordable energy.


Our second-generation ORC solutions take waste heat from various processes and applications and turn it into clean electricity. They are used above all in the industrial, marine and power generation sectors where they can make the greatest contribution to a better world.


Our products significantly increase energy efficiency in industrial processes. They help slash carbon dioxide emissions and reduce electricity costs to an astonishingly low level. Find out more.


Our efficiency PACKs reduce fuel consumption on ships by six to nine percent and ensure a significantly better Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI). Harmful emissions of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, sulfur oxide and soot particles are substantially reduced.


Our efficiency PACKs use hot engine exhaust gases and cooling water to generate a significant amount of extra electricity. They require little maintenance and work fully independently. Fuel consumption is also considerably reduced.


Efficient, flexible and cost effective – with 500 units marketed and over 3 Mio. operating hours, our products contain know how from 10 years of continuous development and refinement. Our patented efficiency PACKs let you generate zero-carbon electricity from heat – from engines, industrial- or cooling processes. On-site and at incredibly low electricity costs. Installation is simple – plug and play. Standardized and proven industrial components, and intelligent control algorithms ensure highly reliable, low-maintenance operation and optimal electricity generation. Wherever you are in the world.

efficiency PACK

eP 150.200

Facts & Figures

  • Applications: Industry & Power
  • Input power: 2 MW thermal (per module)
  • Heat sources: fluid heat sources above 80 °C (ideal 140 °C), gaseous heat sources above 150 °C
  • Dimensions: 12,2 m x 2,5 m x 2,9 m (W x L x H)

efficiency PACK

eP 050.100

Facts & Figures

  • Applications: Industry & Power
  • Input power: 500 to 1,200 kW_th (per module)
  • Heat sources: fluid heat sources above 80 °C (ideal 140 °C), gaseous heat sources above 150 °C
  • Dimensions: 6,1 m x 2,5 m x 2,9 m (W x L x H)

When integrated in your engine container, they can be fitted in just a few minutes. They are incredibly efficient and highly flexible.

efficiency PACK

eP M 150.200

Facts & Figures

  • Application: marine (e.g. ships)
  • Input power: 1,000 - 2,100 kW thermal (per module)
  • Heat sources: Exhaust gas (max. 550 °C), saturated steam (120–180 °C), thermal oil (120–180 °C), warm water (e.g. from jacket cooling, 75–109 °C)
  • Dimensions: 2,200 x 1,650 x 2,060 mm (W x L x H)

The efficiency PACK for marine applications is very compact and easily installed. It is suitable for all ship engines for both new-build and retrofit projects.

efficiency PACK

eP M 050.100

Facts & Figures

  • Application: marine (e.g. ships)
  • Input power: 560–1,100 kW thermal (e.g. 1 MW engine, per module)
  • Heat sources: Exhaust gas (max. 550 °C), saturated steam (120–180 °C), thermal oil (120–180 °C), warm water (e.g. from jacket cooling, 75–109 °C)
  • Dimensions: 1,096 x 1,396 x 1,982 mm (W x L x H)

The efficiency PACK for marine applications is very compact and easily installed. It is suitable for all ship engines for both new-build and retrofit projects.


Our ORC solutions in use

  • +600 units sold
  • 6 million operating hours
  • 140 000 tons of CO2 emissions saved

incl. ORCAN International Energy

Geothermal plant Kirchweidach

From industry to geothermal energy: Orcan Energy has implemented the first large-scale geothermal project in Kirchweidach. Six efficiency PACKs convert the excess heat from the geothermal plant into electricity in a highly effective manner, saving 4,000 tons of CO2 annually. Even in the complex environment of the geothermal plant, the modules deliver CO2-free electricity economically and with base-load capability. Installation and commissioning were very simple and fast thanks to delivery in containers. In a very short time, it was possible to fully exploit the energy potential of deep heat.

Rederij Doeksen

Optimized energy recycling on board: The high-efficiency catamarans "MS Willem Barentsz" and "MS Willem de Vlamingh" of the Dutch shipping company Doeksen combine particularly environmentally friendly technologies and materials for the first time to make ship operation in the nature-protected Wadden Sea as sustainable as possible. The waste heat is utilized on board with the help of an eP 050.100 efficiency PACK from Orcan Energy. The result of the waste heat utilization: a total saving of 318 tons of CO2, 260,000 liters of fuel and 462,600 kilowatt hours of electricity per year.

Engine Power Plant (South East Asia)

Orcan Energy, together with its partner company VPower, has built a first power plant park in Myanmar, Asia, with a capacity of 90 MW, consisting of 70 ORC modules. The modules convert previously wasted waste heat from 70 gas engines into renewable electricity. The energy generated by the project amounts to 30 GWh (gigawatt hours) of electricity per year, enough to supply 100,000 households. VPower Group was able to win the operator's tender with the significantly more economical and cleaner power plant park consisting of gas engines and efficiency PACKs.

CSBC-DEME Wind Engineering

Eight efficiency PACKs will be installed aboard Taiwan's first offshore installation vessel, Green Jade. This will make Orcan Energy part of a massive wind farm project in Asia. The four dual-fuel engines installed will each be equipped with two efficiency PACKs. When all engines are running, the modules generate more than 500 kilowatts of electrical energy from the waste heat on board, thus providing an important building block for the decarbonization of the ship.


Adolf Gottfried Tonwerke

Waste heat recovery at the rotary kiln - awarded with the DENA efficiency award 2019


We improve the state of the environment. Our aim is to make existing energy supply more efficient and sustainable, both in Europe and around the world. We focus especially on countries with large energy needs.

Find out more about our vision


Orcan Energy is led by physicist and company founder Dr. Andreas Sichert (CEO). He developed his idea of efficient energy usage together with fellow students Dr. Andreas Schuster and Richard Aumann. To this day all three co-founders remain in the company and continue to implement their vision supported by an experienced management team.

Find out more about the Management Board and the Supervisory Board here


Right from the start, we have benefited from strong partners. In 2011, Orcan Energy gained its first venture partner in Wellington Partners and Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield and Byers (KPCB). They were followed by strategic investors E.ON and Aliad, the venture capital subsidiary of global market leader Air Liquide, along with the Swiss impact investment firm Quadia.

Find out more about our partners


Orcan Energy AG
The efficiency Company

Rupert-Mayer-Strasse 44
81379 Munich


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